Recommended Reading
Colleges with Rolling Admissions for Late Applicants
Late to the college application game? No problem! These colleges with rolling admissions accept applications throughout the year.
What Happens After Submitting the Application?
Learn how demonstrated interest can help your plea for college admissions after submitting the application. Try these strategies today.
What to Do After Submitting My College Application
Read article to learn what you can do to show a college you are interested in attending and increase your admissions chances.
How to Choose High School Classes
High school classes that you take and how well you perform in them is the greatest indicator of college success. Learn how to choose wisely.
COVID-19 Question on the Common App
There is a new COVID-19 Question on the Common App this year. In 250 words, you can write about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted you.
Why Write a High School Resume
A High School Resume is necessary for all students. Read about why you need a resume and download a free high school templates.